Universal Counter
This instrument is Safety Class III according to IEC classification and has been designed to meet
the requirements of EN61010-1 (Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement,
Control and Laboratory Use).
This instrument has been tested in accordance with EN61010-1 and has been supplied in a safe
condition. This instruction manual contains some information and warnings which have to be
followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to retain the instrument in a safe condition.
This instrument has been designed for indoor use in a Pollution Degree 2 environment in the
temperature range 5°C to 40°C, 20% - 80% RH (non-condensing). It may occasionally be
subjected to temperatures b5° and -10°C without degradation of its safety. Do not
operate while condensation is present.
Use of this instrument in a manner not specified by these instructions may impair the safety
protection provided.
All accessible parts will be at the same voltage as the outer of the signal input sockets. In
particular, note that the shell of the USB connector is galvanically connected to the body of the
N-type and BNC inputs and will therefore be at earth ground potential when the USB port is
connected to a desktop PC. However, to maintain user safety under all other circumstances it is
essential that no input is connected to a voltage above 30Vdc or 30Vrms with respect to earth
ground which is the limit of Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) by IEC definition. Note that
although the inputs will withstand short-term accidental connection to an AC line voltage up to
250Vrms, 50/60Hz, users will be at risk if the instrument 'ground' is connected to such hazardous
The instrument shall be disconnected from all voltage sources before it is opened for any
adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repair. Any adjustment, maintenance and repair of the
opened instrument under voltage shall be avoided as far as possible and, if inevitable, shall be
carried out only by a skilled person who is aware of the hazard involved.
Do not wet the instrument when cleaning it.
The following symbols are used on the instrument and in this manual.
The adaptor/charger supplied has a universal input voltage rating of 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. It is
a Class II (double insulated) device, fully approved to EN 60950-1 (2001), UL 60950 (UL listing
E138754) and AS/NZS CISPR:2002 (C-Tick).
Use ONLY the AC adaptor/charger provided by TTi with the instrument.
Use of any other power source may damage the unit and will void the
Direct Current
CAUTION – refer to accompanying documentation.
Damage to the instrument may occur if these precautions are ignored.
meaning that the marked terminal is connected to accessible
conductive parts.