TSI DustTrak DRX Desktop SOP v1.1
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16 minutes to elapse and make sure that there are no issues with the device. If it tests out ok change
the RunMode test back to the original and start the logging again.
D. Flow error: This error occurs when there is blockage in the flow system.
This can be caused from a physical blockage that can be checked by removing the auto-zero module
and turning on the unit in the Manual RunMode to see if the error happens again.
It can also happen because of a pump issue. Listen to the pump while running the DRX device in
Manual RunMode. Under Setup -> FlowCal on the DRX unit interface the speed of the pump can be
increased/decreased – make sure there is an audible coordinating change in pitch when these
options are selected. Return to a Flow Cal of 1.00 if everything is ok.
If all the above are still coming up with issues and the DRX unit is not working – this includes restarting the DRX
device; the last resort is to reload the firmware. An option on the PC desktop is Dustrak Firmware Update below
the TrakPro Icon. Follow the instructions within the update program to reload the firmware. This takes
approximately 30 minutes to complete. Hopefully everything will be fixed by then.