Core Modules
We recommend the use of a specially protected system for connecting the hardware in order
to prevent overvoltage surge damage, e.g., by a lightning strike, together with a system that
ensures an uninterruptible power supply.
For calorimetric measurements, we recommend that the system is installed in a separate
room, in which the room climate does not alter during the measurement. The room conditions,
particularly temperature and humidity, should be kept as constant as possible for all the runs
in a test series.
Loudness in Laboratory
For behavior studies, you need a room with a noise level below 65dB. In the laboratory, the noise
level could amount to approx. 70dB from air conditioning, lighting, general lab noise, etc. Most of this
loudness is below 1kHz and is therefore in a frequency range, which mice cannot hear, and which is
in the lower audible range for rats if the sound pressure level exceeds 60dB.
The CaloSys module produces approx. 42dB - from the air pumps, PC fan, and Air Drying Units.
It should also be taken into consideration that the animals are inside cages, which also reduce noise.
This means that the loudest noise that the animals can hear will be approx. 40dB from the air pump of
the system.
It is important that your animal test laboratory isn´t subject to regular public traffic, that neither doors
nor windows are opened and closed at frequent intervals, and that persons don´t enter or leave the
room frequently.
2.8. Setting up System
The support surfaces for the cages must ensure vibration-free operation, as otherwise the
sensitive measurement technique could be negatively affected.
If shelving systems are used for setting up the cages, you should ensure that they are not
located beneath the illumination or in front of an air-conditioning inlet, as otherwise the test
and keeping conditions will differ between the animals, which could cause considerable
differences between the single measurements.
With shelving systems that are intended for use with both, rat and mouse cages, remember
that the rat cages are higher and require a greater distance between the shelves.
Shelving systems used for setting up the cages should be horizontal so that, in eating and
drinking tests in particular, the dispensers hang freely without touching.
Mobile support surfaces, e.g., on casters, must have the casters locked when the system is in
The support surfaces should be easy to clean, e.g., smooth stainless steel surfaces - if
possible, grids or benchtops with joints should not be used.
The cages must be placed on a stable, horizontal base (bench top) at a convenient working
height (no sagging shelves!).
Ensure that there is sufficient distance between the cages! Under no circumstances should
occurrences in one cage interfere with the measurements made in neighbouring cages!
Space Requirements
When setting up the system, ensure that...
…all the devices for controlling and operating the system are freely accessible.