Playing back of the made video
To play back the received video records the
following programs can be used:
QuickTime Player (www.apple.com) – testing
performed with 7.4.5 version
VLC media player (www.videolan.org) testing
performed with 0.8.6f version
Windows Media Player with H.64 codec
installed (for example from K-Lite Codec Pack
(www.codecguide.com) testing performed
with 5..0 version
Setting the Recorder (in Menu)
In the Menu, you can change the recorder settings
using the buttons on the Recorder’s case. To go to
the “Main Menu” click on “Menu”. You can go from
one menu option or submenu to the other using
«▲» and «▼» buttons. By clicking on “menu” you
can select menu option or submenu. You can also
change parameters using this button. To quit use
“back” button.
See Appendix 1 for the list of all the adjustable