Connection At
When the Connection Mode field is set to Client or Client (no heartbeat), this field becomes
active, allowing the TRP-C32S (acting as a client) to connect to the server either on Power up or
on Data Arrival (first character arriving).
Maximum Connection
This field allows the user to configure the Serial Server to have up to eight TCP connections.
Remote IP Address
This is a security feature that is activated when the IP address of the desired client is
programmed into the remote IP Address setting of the menu. This tells the TRP-C32S to
communicate with only the listed IP address and to filter out all other requests for connection.
The TRP-C32S is setup in the menu as a TCP or UDP server to us this feature.
The default setting is It is recommended not to change this setting until the
application has been tested and is communicating properly. At that point the address filtering
feature of the TRP-C32S can be activated.
Server properties must be updated separately for each serial port. Updating varies slightly
depending on which of the four configuration user interfaces are used.
Updating the Server Properties in Manager Software
From the Server Properties screen, click the Update button to store the configuration settings for
the currently selected port. The “
dialogue box will appear indicating you must restart
the device before the new settings will take effect. Click Yes.
7-2 Using Console Mode
The console mode allows access to the TRP-C32S setup menu. This is one way to reconfigure
the default settings for the application. A serial connection is made between a COM port on the
PC and the TRP-C32S serial port A with a null modem cable. In console mode, the serial port
defaults to an RS-232 interface.