2-2.Block Diagram
2-3. LED display
PWR LED: System is ready.
RX LED: Data receiving.
TX LED: Data transmitting.
2-4.Reset Button
The reset button can be found between the switch and terminal block. To reset the unit manually
apply power, insert a small plastic tool, and press lightly depressing switch. Hold for 1 second and
release. The Link and Run LED will go out and turn back on.
2-5. Dip Switches
A double DIP switch allows the TRP-C31M to be entered into Console/Loop back/Default/Data
When all these switches are moved into the ON position, theTRP-C31M enters Console Mode,
allowing configuration of the TRP-C31M from a PC running a terminal program such as
Hyper-terminal. When the TRP-C31M enters Console Mode, the Console Mode screen will appear
in the Hyper-terminal program window. The serial port settings must be 8-N-1 at 9600 baud.
When the DIP switches are switched to the ON OFF position, the TRP-C31M will work at Loop back
Mode, all data is sent back immediately.
When the DIP switches are switched to the OFF ON position, the TRP-C31M will revert to its factory