8 Using Console Mode
Before the TRP-C31M is installed on a LAN the Console Mode can be used to change the settings from the
Connect a null modem cable between the TRP-C31M serial port with PC COM port. Apply power to
the TRP-C31M. Using Hyper Terminal open the connected PC COM port at a baud rate of 9600,
Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow control None. Ensure all the DIP switches are in the
ON position for TRP-C31M.
Hyper Terminal’s serial settings are configured the same as the mentioned default settings of the
TRP-C31M and must be set to VT100 emulation mode. The default settings are used only if they
have not been changed
Console Mode Software Install
Select “Hyper Terminal” WINDOWS Utility
Start ---Accessories---Communications --- Hyper Terminal