Serial Format
Serial format define the data format on the serial interface where it is RTU or ASCII. The default
setting is RTU.
Character Timeout
In the MODBUS RTU protocol, character timeout is used to signal the end of a message. If there is
an improper timeout occurs during sending message time period, it will cause a CRC checksum
error and the message will be discarded. To improve this situation, whenever TRP-C31M receives a
byte from its serial port, it will check the data in its buffer and estimate the message length. Base
on the message length TRP-C31M calculates CRC checksum. If the CRC checksum matches, we
know that is the end of the message. Therefore even there is a timeout error with the message.
TRP-C31M can correctly parse the message and convert the MODBUS RTU packet into MODBUS
TCP packet.
Message Timeout
This parameter allows you to set the time during for TRP-C31M to wait for the response message.
When message timeout occurs, TRP-C31M would response an exception to MODBUS master if
generate exception is enabled.