Trust ISDN USB Modem & Phone System
4. Select the option for Windows to search for the best driver and click on 'Next' (see figure 3).
Figure 3: Search for the best driver
5. Select the option to search a specific location and give the location as [D:\Win98] (see figure 4).
Figure 4: Specifying a location for the driver
6. Click on 'Next'. The driver for the ISDN Modem & Phone System will be found at the location given.
7. Click on 'Next' again. The driver will now be installed.
8. Click on ‘Finish’ to complete the installation.
9. Restart your computer.
You have now completed the installation of the driver. Continue to chapter 4 for instructions on how to install
the necessary applications.
Installation in Windows ME
1. Start Windows ME.
2. Windows will detect new hardware (see figure 5).