right). (The HSG80 documentation refers to these ports as Port 1 and
Port 2, respectively.) In transparent failover mode, only one left port
(Port 1) and one right port (Port 2) are active at any given time.
With transparent failover enabled, assuming that the left port of the
top controller and the right port of the bottom controller are active, if
the top controller fails, its functions will automatically fail over to the
bottom controller and vice versa.
You can configure which controller presents each HSG80 storage element
(unit) to the cluster. Ordinarily, the left port of either controller serves
the units that are designated D0 through D99, and the right port serves
those that are designated D100 through D199. However, as previously
mentioned, because only eight units can be presented through either
controller, you can configure only units that are designated D0 through
D7 and D100 through D107 in this cluster.
2–4 Fibre Channel Hardware, Requirements, and Restrictions