The battery charge indicator is integrated into the throttle and indicates the charge
of the battery. This indicator also indicates whether the power switch is off or on.
Always turn off the switch when the motorcycle is not used.
As the battery charge depletes, the lights of the indicator will be off. When all 4
LEDs are on, it means full charge. As the load decreases, the LEDs turn off. When
only 1 led remains on, it indicates that the battery charge is low.
To extend the autonomy, it is recommended to choose positions of lower power,
speed and response as the charge decreases. When only one red LED is lit, it is
recommended to charge the ON-E as soon as possible. In this way, it is possible to
extend the life of the battery when is not consuming its charge to the maximum.
When the motorcycle do not used, the motorcycle must be disconnected, turn off
the switch.
During use, it can be seen that the indicator depletes, when the maximum power
is required, this phenomenon being normal.
It is very important to keep everyone at a distance when the motorcycle is charging
or the dials are being adjusted. Dials are sensitive to small adjustments. Don’t guess
the changes. Always check beforehand that the settings made are correct for the
pilot’s skills.
A) Full charge of battery B) Incomplete battery charge
C) Half battery charge D) Empty battery charge