WARNING! Read all safety warnings and all instructions. Failure to follow the
warnings and instructions may result in serious injury.
Before sett ng up and start ng up, please read and use the nstruct ons carefully and observe
str ctly the aforement oned nstruct ons. Compl ance w th these nstruct ons s necessary to
avo d poss ble dangers such as property damage and to avo d njury.
Before us ng the plate l ft ng l ft, fam l ar ze yourself w th the un t and ts funct ons so that you
can use t properly and above all safely. If you have any uncerta nty or quest ons please contact
to your dealer and let them expla n the operat on.
The manufacturer s not respons ble for any njury or damage caused by or n consequence of
uncompl ance w th these operat ng nstruct ons. Keep th s users manual for later reference and
hand them off to other users.
Proper use
Symbol Clar f cat on
Techn cal data
Descr pt on
Parts L st
7.1 Requ red Tools
7.2 Tr pod
7.3 Plate l ft ng Un t
Funct on and Use
8.1 Load ng a drywall plate
8.1.1 Load ng n ncl ned pos t on for work on slop ng roofs
8.1.2 Load ng n ncl ned pos t on for work on ce l ngs
8.1.3 Load ng n hor zontal pos t on for work on ce l ngs
8.2 L ft ng and lower ng
8.2.1 L ft ng
8.2.2 Lower ng
8.3 He ght adjustment of the telescop c un t
8.4 Mob l ty
8.5 Drywall Plates
Care and Ma ntenance
9.2 Ma ntenance
10. Repa r
11. Storage
12. D sposal
13. Warranty
Proper Use
Th s plate l ft s exclus vely for l ft ng and hang ng drywall plates w th a max mum rated
load of 60 kg.
The plate l ft corresponds to the EC Mach nery D rect ve 2006/42/EC Annex I.
For pr vate use only.
All other appl cat ons are not allowed.
Safety Instruct ons for Plate L ft
The product s ntended for domest c use only. Use the plate l ft only for ts ntended
Keep ch ldren away from the product.
Use the plate l ft only for l ft ng and hang ng drywall plates. Never l ft persons or other
objects w th the plate l ft!
Never l ft more than one plate. Never l ft more than 60 kg.
Always be careful and attent ve when handl ng the plate l ft. Dur ng the assembly and
d smantl ng and dur ng the use of the plate l ft, pay attent on to your hands and f ngers,
there s danger of crush ng.
Refra n from us ng the plate l ft n open areas. The use under cl mat c cond t ons such
as mo sture or w nd can ser ously endanger your safety. The plate l ft must not be used
under extreme cl mat c cond t ons such as excess ve heat or cold. The amb ent
temperature must be between 10°C and 30°C.
Insert the plate l fter only on a sol d, flat and dry base.
Make sure that all the wheels of the plate l ft are mounted on a hor zontal ground and
before each l ft ng or lower ng operat on, operate the brakes located on the reels.
Do not exceed the perm ss ble rated load! The load on the plate l ft may not exceed
60 kg, n the event of an overload the safety of persons s no longer guaranteed.
Make sure that dur ng the l ft ng and lower ng process there are no pets, persons and
parts of the body n the area of load, crank or rollers.
Make sure that no persons are lean ng aga nst the plate l ft.
Do not alter or change the plate l ft ng l ft n any way.
Before us ng the plate l ft, make sure that all the elements are properly mounted.
Pay spec al attent on to the fact that the plate l ft crank s free of damage, mo sture
and contam nat on. In case of damage to the crank, the use of the plate l ft s proh b ted.
There s a r sk of njury!
Never use the plate l ft f you not ce any damage. There s a r sk of njury!
Make sure to adjust the plate l ft ng l ft before the start of work at the room
temperature cond t ons, to avo d malfunct on of the crank and the brake due to
condensat on.
Always ensure that the he ght adjustment s locked by the safety bolt.
Keep the work ng area free of obstacles and also pay attent on to hang ng obstacles
when you press the plate l ft.
Wh le work ng w th the plate l fter, always wear a protect ve helmet and safety
Always ensure that the rack fuse s act vated when you l ft the plate l ft.
Hold the plate l fter well before the brakes are released, as the plate l ft can move very
qu ckly.
Keep the nd cator and warn ng labels attached to the plate l ft n good cond t on.
Before us ng t, make sure you have the nd cator and warn ngs. Note the warn ng labels
and warn ngs when you use the plate l ft. Ensure other people who are n the work
env ronment are aware of the plate l ft ng l ft and are fam l ar w th the warn ng labels and
warn ngs.