TX6351 • TX6352 User Manual
22 P5536.1600 rev B
P5536.1600 rev B 23
3. Installation
3.1 Safety Precautions
It is recommended that users refer to EN / IEC 60079-29-2 for guidance on the selection,
installation, use and maintenance of detectors for fl ammable gases and oxygen, when
installed in hazardous areas.
Hazardous areas
Do not disassemble the sensor whilst in the hazardous area or use a sensor that has
a damaged housing in the hazardous area. Irrespective of the gas being monitored,
the equipment must not be installed where there is possibility of an oxygen enriched
If a dangerous level of gas concentration is detected by the instrument, leave the area
Operating Life of Gas Sensors
Electrochemical cells contain an electrolyte that is gradually consumed during use. The
average life is about two years, dependant upon the duty cycle. The response should
be checked at regular intervals.
Electrochemical cells for toxic gases can be aff ected by other interfering gases
which may displace the subject gas being monitored. Steam laden atmospheres and
condensation can also reduce the sensitivity.
Be aware that some toxic gases are also ‘fl ammable’ at high percentage concentrations.
Operating Limits of Catalytic Combustion Sensors
Catalytic combustion sensors positively detect the presence of fl ammable gas. They
rely upon the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere and should only be used for gas
concentration up to the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).
After this point, the output becomes non-linear and may erroneously indicate that the
gas concentration is below the LEL. They should not be used in oxygen enriched or
defi cient atmospheres.
New South Wales Design Registration
If the equipment label contains an MDR number and is fi tted with an eModule marked
with the same 6-digit number following “MDR”, the equipment is design registered. This
indicates that the equipment is in conformance with the following performance standard
as appropriate, and as modifi ed by NSW Government regulations.
• Methane detection: IEC 60079-29-1
• Toxic gas or Oxygen detection: AS/NZS 4641