Micron Modem
0630-SOM-00001, Issue: 03
© Tritech International Ltd.
Appendix B. Testing with HyperTerminal or
The Micron Data Modems can be bench tested in air using any terminal program. Typically
the modems being tested should be no further than about 20-30cm apart with a clear line of
sight present between the blue potted transducer on each modem. If the modems are too
far apart in air then corruption of the ASCII message will occur or no data will be received
by the second modem.
1. Open HyperTerminal (if this is installed, it will be located in the Windows Start Menu).
2. Enter the name for the Terminal window and then click OK:
3. Next select the COM port number of the port that the first modem is connected to and
4. Ensure that the
Bits per second
(baud rate) is set correctly for the modem (9600 is
default) and set the flow control to