ATS Series
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , a n d S e r v i c e M a n u a l
of elimination. A flickering light with an arcing noise is
an indication of a high resistance short circuit. If the
light is OFF it is an possible indication of a dead short
or no 120vac power to the power supply. To isolate the
short to any one of these three components, proceed
as follows:
• Disconnect both high voltage leads from their
respective terminals on the power supply and
support them away from any point of contact
• Energize the power supply:
If the light still flickers or does not glow; the
trouble is indicated to be in the power supply.
First, replace the power supply in its entirety.
• If the light glows steady with the leads
disconnected, the power supply is indicated to
be normal.
• Next reconnect both high voltage leads to their
respective terminals on the power supply and
disconnect them at the ionizing-collecting cells.
Support them away from any point of contact and
energize the power supply.
• If either high voltage lead is defective, the light
will indicate the trouble. Each lead may then be
checked separately by disconnecting them, one at
a time, from their respective terminals at the power
supply. When a lead is found to be defective,
replace it in its entirety. Do not repair or splice.
• If the light glows steady with the leads disconnected
at the cells the trouble is then indicated to be in
the ionizing-collecting cells. The trouble can then
be isolated to a single cell or ionizing or collector
section of a given cell as follows:
• First determine if the short is in the ionizing
section or the collecting section by connecting
each high voltage lead to its respective section,
one at a time, and energizing the power pack.
(The lead not connected must be supported
away from any point of contact.) The short
symptoms will still exist for the section in which
the short is located. If the trouble causing the
short is bridging both sections, then the short
Note: In order to complete the primary circuit to
the power supply, it will be necessary to close
both the access door electrical interlock switch.
will be indicated in both sections when they
are individually connected.
• When the short is isolated to a cell tier, remove
all the cells within the tier and visually check
the sections indicated to contain the short.
• If the short is in the ionizer section look for
a broken or defective insulator.
• If the short is in the collector section look
for a large piece of foreign material bridging
the collector plates or a defective insulator.
• If the short is indicated to be in both
sections, it will probably be a foreign object
bridging the air gap between the ionizer
and the collector.
Primary Voltage (120V)
Although open circuits can occur in the secondary they
usually take place in the primary. If the unit contains
only one power supply and the indicating light does
not glow the outage is probably one of the following:
• Supply line power to the control disconnected.
• Access door interlock in impinger or ionizer/
collector section of electronic air cleaner.
• Faulty power supply. Look for charred or burned
components or a loose wiring connection.