XPERT-PRO – Operational Manual
The electrical power meter, Xpert-pro is a micro-controller based unit which
measures various electrical parameters, and sequentially displays on a 128X64
backlit LCD. The meter has four LEDs in the front, one to calibrate energy (KWh),
one to indicate the status of RS485 communication and other two shows Status of
the Relay.
The unit is meant for use in three phase four wire/ three wire systems. In three phase
four wire LT systems, it requires four wires from R, Y, B & N, in addition to six wires
from the three current transformers mounted on the three phases. It thus uses the
three wattmeter method to arrive at the system KVA and KW. On the other hand, for
use in three phase three wire system, it requires three phases from the PT
secondary (usually 110 VAC) and only four wires from the HT current transformer
secondary of two phases. The KVA and KW are calculated by the two wattmeter
The unit measures the three phase voltages, currents, frequency, power factors,
individual Harmonic data as Histogram including Total Harmonic Distortion as well as
individual current and voltage waveforms for all three phases. Based on these
inputs, the system KVA, KW and KWh can also be calculated.
For the correct operation of the unit, the only basic care required is to ensure that the
phase sequence of the three phases is R-Y-B and the polarity of the CT secondary is
The S1 terminal in every CT will go to the M terminal of unit. Similarly, the
S2 end of the CT will go to the L terminal of the unit.
The unit is fully solid state and will give years of trouble-free service once installed
The Main features Available in this Model
All readings are true RMS measurements
Site selectable 1A or 5A CT secondary
CT and PT Ratio site selectable
Measurement of all three voltages-phase to phase, phase to neutral, all
currents in three phases including frequency (Hz)
Measurement of three powers (KVA, KW and KVAR), three energies (KVAh,
KWh and KVARh) for both EB and DG.
Indication of system PF including individual PF in three phases at lead and lag
Demand Measurement - KVA or KW (Site selectable).
Individual Odd Harmonics up to 15th for voltage and current including THD
Odd Harmonic data as Histogram for each individual current and voltage