Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V1.11 | Document Revision V1.07 • 2019-JAN-25
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Mode 1
Reference search mode 1 only searches the left end switch. Select this mode by setting axis parameter
#193 to 1. Figure
illustrates this.
Add 64 to the mode number (i.e. set axis parameter #193 to 65) to search the right end switch instead of
the left end switch.
left limit / end / stop switch
: reference search speed (axis parameter 194)
: reference switch speed (axis parameter 195)
Figure 4: Reference Search Mode 1
Mode 2
Reference search mode 2 first searches the right end switch and then the left end switch. The left end
switch is then used as the zero point. Figure
illustrates this. Select this mode by setting axis parameter
#193 to 2. After the reference search has finished, axis parameter #196 contains the distance between the
two reference switches in microsteps.
Add 64 to the mode number (i.e. set axis parameter #193 to 66) to search the left end switch first and then
use the right end switch as the zero point.
left limit / end / stop switch
right limit / end / stop switch
: reference search speed (axis parameter 194)
: reference switch speed (axis parameter 195)
Figure 5: Reference Search Mode 2
Mode 3
Reference search mode 3 first searches the right end switch and then the left end switch. The left end
switch is then searched from both sides, to find the middle of the left end switch. This is then used as
the zero point. Figure
illustrates this. Select this mode by setting axis parameter #193 to 3. After the
reference search has finished, axis parameter #196 contains the distance between the right end switch
and the middle of the left end switch in microsteps.
Add 64 to the mode number (i.e. set axis parameter #193 to 67) to search the left end switch first and then
use the middle of the right end switch as the zero point.
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