-1370 Hardware Manual • Hardware Version V1.10 | Document Revision V1.10 • 2018-AUG-18
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2 Order Codes
The combination of motor and motor mounted controller/driver electronic is currently available with four
stepper motors (different length and holding torque):
The length of the PANdrives is specified without the length of the axis. For the overall length of the prod-
uct please add 24mm
Order Code
Size (LxWxH)
PD42-1-1370 PANdrive™with NEMA17 stepper motor, 0.22Nm
max., 2A RMS, +24V, S-ramps, magnetic encoder,
RS485, TMCL firmware
42mm x 42mm x 47mm
PD42-2-1370 PANdrive™with NEMA17 stepper motor, 0.36Nm
max., 2A RMS, +24V, S-ramps, magnetic encoder,
RS485, TMCL firmware
42mm x 42mm x 51mm
PD42-3-1370 PANdrive™with NEMA17 stepper motor, 0.44Nm
max., 2A RMS, +24V, S-ramps, magnetic encoder,
RS485, TMCL firmware
42mm x 42mm x 60mm
PD42-4-1370 PANdrive™with NEMA17 stepper motor, 0.7Nm
max., 2A RMS, +24V, S-ramps, magnetic encoder,
RS485, TMCL firmware
42mm x 42mm x 73mm
Table 1: Order Code
A cable loom set is available for this module:
Order Code
PD42-1370-CABLE Cable loom for PD42-1370:
• 1x cable loom for power supply, RS485 and I/O connector (cable length
200mm, 10pin JST PH connector at one end, open wires at the other
Table 2: PD42-x-1370 Cable Loom
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