Using AirProjector Client
Stopping Image Transmission
To stop real time capture, click the “Stop Capture” button on the main screen.
The “Stop Capture” button is displayed in the place of “Real Time Capture” button while
real time capture is running.
For Windows PC, the shortcut key for Stop Capture is [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F1].
For Macintosh computer, the shortcut keys are [C[[1].
Transmitting Images to Multiple AirProjector Units
The same image can be transmitted to up to five AirProjectors, regardless of the
transmission mode (supported in both the real time capture and one-shot capture).
The procedure is identical to transmitting to one AirProjector.
Select multiple AirProjectors from the list on the main screen by pressing the Ctrl key.
To select multiple AirProjector units from the list, press and hold [Ctrl] key while selecting
multiple units. For Macintosh computer, press and hold [Command] key while selecting
the units from the list.
To join the moderated session
[Join Moderated Session] button will allow participants to join the “moderated”
AirProjector unit.
Refer to Moderator Feature User’s Guide for more detailed instructions on how to use this
Checking the Destination of Selected AirProjector
When multiple AirProjectors are listed on the main screen, the installation location of each
AirProjector can be checked without actually transmitting an image.
From the list on the main screen, select the AirProjector.
“Stop Capture” button
“Join the moderated
session” button