Technical Design-in Guide SLE G6 | 12-2018 | 2.1 | en
Mechanical Aspects
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Compressive stresses
The components of the LED modules (circuit boards, glob-top, lenses, electronic components etc.) are sensitive to compressive
stresses. The components must not be exposed to compressive stresses.
Chemical compatibility
LED modules can be damaged by other materials, if these materials have certain chemical properties. The cause for these damages
are different gaseous compounds, which penetrate into the encapsulant of the LED and thereby attack the encapsulant, the colour
conversion phosphor or the LED chips and can affect the electrical contacts or the substrate.
Application areas for chemical substances
The following are known areas in which chemical substances are used:
The following materials must be checked for their safety:
Putting together a "safe list" is not possible due to the complexity of the topic. The following table lists possible contaminants for LED
modules, the classes of compounds and examples of possible sources.
The list shows the most commonly used materials but does not claim to be complete.
If glass or Plexiglas shields are used make sure that pressure is not exerted on the glob-top.
Only touch the LED modules at the edges
correct (left) and incorrect (right)
use of protective coating in applications with high relative humidity (outdoor applications),
encapsulation of LED modules,
cementing of LED modules,
sealing of luminaires.
All components and auxiliaries used in the assembly of the luminaire:
Solvents of adhesives and coatings
Other so-called VOC ("volatile organic compounds")
All other additional substances present in the atmosphere:
Outgassing of adhesives, sealants and coatings
Cleaning agents and processing aids (e.g. cutting oils and drilling coolants)
Contact your LED manufacturer for questions about the materials used and possible interactions and risks.