Configuring COFDM output modules
Transmission mode
The Manual SDT version checkbox is only used in special circumstances and it is
recommended that it remains ‘unchecked’.
2. Press the Submit button.
Validation 1. View the Payload bar, which graphically indicates the amount of data being
transmitted in relation to the maximum permitted payload.
2. View the status information at the bottom of the page to check that the output
module is functioning correctly:
Whether the output module is enabled or disabled.
SW revision
Displays the software version of the output module.
The software version displayed must be identical with
that installed on the TDH 800 main unit and on all other
input/output modules.
Update the software for the entire TDH 800 headend
(including input/output modules) if this is not the case.
Current payload The current level of data being transmitted.
Max payload
The maximum level of data that can be transmitted.
The output module’s first slot is now successfully configured, as shown below.
Configuring COFDM output modules
4. Check the Select service/s checkbox for the required services.
5. (Optional) Specify an Output SID for the selected services.
6. (Optional) Specify a collective name (Mux) for the selected services in the Mux
name field.
7. Press the OK button.
Note that services that have been selected will no longer be available in the TDX
pool for other output modules.
From input module
1. Select ‘Transparent’ in the Select input drop-down list.
The Select input window is displayed.
2. Check the Selected checkbox for the required input module.
3. Press the OK button.
All the services that are active on the input module will be transmitted via the
output module.
Additional settings
1. Make (if required) additional configuration changes in the following fields/drop
down lists in the configuration window:
RF level correction.
FEC rate
Guard interval