FIELD METERS MCT 080 / 081 / 082 / 085 USER MANUAL
To use the 5GHz measurement input, it is necessary to configure it; Press on
From this menu you can activate the 6.2V remote power supply of your 5.45GHz LNB, and choose the band you
want to work on:
- Auto which is the complete Terrestrial band (50 to 900MHz) and Sat (900 to 5450MHz)
- Terrestrial band only (50 to 900MHz)
- Vertical low sat alone band (900 to 1950MHz)
- High vertical sat band alone (1950 to 3000MHz)
- Low horizontal sat band alone (3400 to 4400MHz)
- High horizontal sat band only (4400 to 5400MHz)
The interest is to be able to "isolate" a band to be able to make investigations during the search for breakdown.
working at 5,450GHz in RF requires precautions (quality of the connectors and weak
cable length) to not have a too deteriorated signal.