FIELD METERS MCT 080 / 081 / 082 / 085 USER MANUAL
a standard
an analogical mono stereo or NICAM mode in terrestrial or cable mode
a constellation type 64QAM 256QAM under DVB-C and J83B
a bandwidth 5, 6, 7 or 8 MHz under DVB-T and DVB-T2
a symbol rate under DVB-C, J83B, DVB-S, DVB-S2 or DSS
a value for the guard interval under DVB-T and DVB-T2
the inversion or not of the spectrum under DVB-T
According to the terrestrial, cable or satellite band mode and to the standard, some parameters have no
The place name may distinguish two distinct emitters, example TF1 Fourvière and TF1 Chambéry.
Frequency and channel number are equivalent: a valid channel number has priority over a frequency.
The frequency map parameter associated with the setup allows frontiersmen to keep on using channel
Presentation of a setup library in TR7837 :
Selecting a list in the
page automatically recalls all information associated with this
Selecting a
on a measurement page automatically recalls all information associated
with this setup.