Figure 5: Two room montioring with network variables
Multi-room monitoring overview
The following figures show the FMS-2000M monitor’s UI in various modes. The home screen displays the number of rooms
automatically, based on the model number and the connected pressure sensors. You can write temperature, humidity, air flow, air
changes, and CO
network variables from the BMS to display on the monitor.
Figure 5
the device monitors two rooms. For the second room, two network variables display below the pressure reading.
Figure 6
the device monitors three rooms. For the first and second room, one network variable displays below the pressure reading.
Figure 7
the device monitors four rooms. For the first three rooms, one network variable displays below the pressure reading.
For information about changing the network variable that displays, see Navigating the multi-room monitor home screen.
Figure 6: Three room monitoring with network variables
Figure 7: Four room monitoring with network variables