Your Remote Trainer is shipped with the receiver separate
from the collar strap. Install the strap as shown in the
On multi-dog units, be sure to install the correct color strap
on each receiver. Use the colored strap that matches the
colored dot on the receiver. On 4-, 5-, and 6-dog models, the
white-striped straps should be installed on the receivers with
the same colored dot and a white dot.
You can easily adjust the strap for different sized necks by
sliding the receiver along the strap. If the strap is too long for
your dog, you can cut off excess length. Leave enough length
to go through any D-ring or keeper that is present.
(See “Fitting the Collar on the Dog” page 10.)
Note: Do not cut the strap of an Upland Special
until after
you have also installed the Beeper on the strap.
You may also use any collar strap that fits the receiver.
Collar Light
Collar Function
Double flash
Collar is turned on
Glows steadily
Collar is receiving signal
from transmitter
Single long flash
Collar has just been
(3.5 seconds)
turned off
Rapid flash
Low batteries. Recharge the
collar soon
Glows steadily
Collar is charging
while on charger
Note that in cold weather the low battery light may
come on prematurely.
Transmitter Light
Transmitter Function
Glows steadily while
a button is pressed
Blinks rapidly (8 times
Low batteries. Recharge
per second) while a
the transmitter soon
stimulation button
is pressed
Glows steadily while
Transmitter is charging
on charger
Page 6
Remote Trainer
Installing the Collar Strap
Page 7
Slide the correct color strap through one side of the receiver,
then through the other side. Snug the strap firmly against the
surface of the receiver. Position the buckle where it is convenient
for the size of your dog's neck.