tested for possible card i o p u l m o n a ry and epidermal effects
of Tr i - Tronics electrical stimulation applied to the ventral
s u rface of the neck of healthy dogs. These studies found
no clinically significant changes in electro c a rdiograms,
blood pre s s u res, or pro p e rties of the skin underlying the
contact points
Please note: Even though Tri-Tronics products are safe,
they are intended for use only in the training of healthy
dogs. It is always wise before any type of training to
have your dog checked by a veterinarian.
All batteries experience a normal drop in voltage during
cold weather. As a battery powered device, your Remote
Trainer can be affected by normal voltage drops during
winter months and experience such things as:
Batteries can run down more rapidly
Unit can be “dead” before you expected based on last charg i n g
Stimulation can be less strong
Unit can turn itself off while training (evidence of low
For best performance during winter months, follow
these guidelines:
1.Keep the unit at room temperature when it is not being used.
Do not store overnight in unheated areas such as vehicles,
sheds, or garages. When traveling, transport your Remote
Trainer in the passenger cab, not in the back of the tru c k .
2.Charge the unit at room temperature. If the unit is cold,
give it two hours to reach room temperature before charg i n g .
3.Charge more frequently and allow a full 14-hour charge
whenever possible. Note: The Remote Trainer may be left
on the charger when not in use (“trickle charg e ” ) .
4.Check frequently for the low battery indicator, and always
check just prior to training.
Customer Service
We hope that this manual has been helpful to you. If you
have any questions concerning it, or if you suspect that your
Remote Trainer is malfunctioning, please email our Customer
Service Department at [email protected] or call us at
Before you call, please read the “Troubleshooting Guide”
on page 21.
Factory Warranty
The Remote Trainer is covered by a two-year warranty on
parts and labor. The warranty is transferable to a new owner,
but does not cover physical damage or abuse. The warranty
is also void if the Remote Trainer has been altered or
unauthorized service work has been attempted.
Repair Procedure
Always call our Customer Service Department before sending
your Remote Trainer in for repairs.
If you send your Remote Trainer in for repair, either while
under warranty or out of warranty, we may replace it with
a reconditioned unit.
Important: Your dog should be able to wear the collar
comfortably for several hours at a time. The collar is not
designed, however, to be worn continuously. To prevent
irritation caused by rubbing, remove the collar for at least
eight hours out of every 24-hour period. Also, remote
training collars are designed to be worn snug, and a
collar that is worn too loose can contribute to skin
irritation. Take a few moments each day to inspect
the dog’s neck for signs of redness or irritation caused
by such rubbing. If signs of skin irritation appear,
temporarily discontinue use of the Remote Trainer.
Scientific animal safety studies have been designed and
conducted for Tr i - Tronics by veterinarians and physiologists
at a major university. The scientific investigations involved
parameters of electrical stimulation that are similar to
those in your Remote Tr a i n e r. The scientific studies
Page 20
Remote Trainer
Product Safety • Troubleshooting Guide
Page 21