transmitter buttons are pressed. The colored spot next
to the transmitter toggle switch indicates which collar
will be active. The chart on pages 4 and 5 shows the
strap colors for the multi-dog models.
When installing collar straps, be sure to install the correct
color strap on each receiver (page 7). Use the strap that
matches the colored dot on the receiver.
Note that battery performance is reduced in cold weather.
Expect to recharge more often.
When to Recharge
When the light on either the collar or transmitter blinks
rapidly, you need to recharge it soon. The amount of time
that batteries have left after the low battery indicator comes
on depends on how heavily you use your Remote Trainer
during training, the temperature (less time remains during
cold weather), and other factors. After you see the low battery
indicator on the collar, you will normally be able to complete
your training session. These times will be substantially
shorter in cold weather.
How to Charge
C h a rge batteries at room temperature. Do not charge at
t e m p e r a t u res below freezing. Remember that it takes s e v e r a l
hours for cold batteries to come up to room temperature .
Lift the protection covers from the charging jacks. Plug t h e
c h a rger into the wall outlet and insert charg i n g plugs into the
collar and transmitter jacks. Collar and transmitter lights will
indicate that current is flowing.
Please note: Never press the on/off button on the collar while
it is on charge.
Your Remote Trainer has a range of one mile (two miles on
the Trashbreaker Ultra
). Terrain, weather, vegetation,
transmission from other radio devices in the area, and other
factors affect range. The Mighty Micro Antenna will give you
60% of normal range.
Modern microprocessor technology virtually eliminates the
possibility that your collar could be unintentionally set off
by someone else with a Tri-Tronics product. Please email our
Customer Service Department at [email protected]
or call us at 1-800-456-4343 with any questions.
The manufacturing of Tri-Tronics Remote Trainers involves
exacting production methods, precise tuning, and stringent
quality control tests. In addition, these products are designed
and manufactured to operate within Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) specifications. It is a violation of FCC rules
to modify your equipment.
Tri-Tronics certifies its products to operate under Part 95
of FCC regulations. Unauthorized modifications to your
equipment could result in its not meeting specifications
and thus violating FCC regulations. Adjustments should only
be performed by technically qualified personnel authorized by
Tri-Tronics. To continue to meet FCC operating specifications,
any replacement of circuit components (including antennas)
must meet Tri-Tronics manufacturing specifications. The
transmitter should only be operated with the Tri-Tronics
antenna installed.
On two- through six-dog models, the toggle switch next to
the transmitter buttons selects one collar to be “active.” The
active collar is the one that will apply stimulation, make
the tone, or operate the Beeper when the appropriate
Page 16
Remote Trainer
Battery Charging
Page 17
Transmitter charger and
charging jack
Collar charger
and charging jack