indicator comes on prematurely in very cold weather. Page 6.
Make sure the batteries are well charged. Page 17.
P R O B L E M #5. The collar deactivates itself while training.
The batteries have run down during a training session.
The collar light may not indicate low battery status until
at least 20 seconds after you have turned the collar on.
Check the light after this time to determine low battery
status. Page 6.
Make sure the batteries are well charged. Page 17.
PROBLEM #6. The collar light glows steadily even
though the collar is not stimulating.
You’re experiencing temporary radio interference .
The light may illuminate when it receives any radio signal,
even from other Tri-Tronics transmitters. This does not
indicate that stimulation is occurring.
PROBLEM #7. The collar or transmitter light does not
come on when the charger is plugged in.
Debris in charging jack. Carefully clean the charging jack as
described on page 19.
Faulty chargers. C a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 5 6 - 4 3 4 3 or visit our web site at
t r i t ro n i c s . c o m to order a re p l a c e m e n t .
No AC current. Make sure the outlet you are using
is operating.
PROBLEM #8. The collar beeps when it is first
connected to a charger.
A single beep when first connected to the charger is not a
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Remote Trainer