metal. The detector’s DISCRIMINATION setting d etermines whether
the detector will distingu ish between different types of ferrous and
non-ferrous metals.
You can set DISCRIMIN ATION to mi nimum (fully counterclockwise),
with rotating clockwise, the detector first discriminates iron, then pull
tabs and nickel. When set the DIS
CRIMINATION fully clockwise,
silver still cannot be discriminated. The sound wil l be lower a nd the
pointer will move to lef t when t he unit detect s discriminated metal.
The sound will be higher and the poi nter will move to right when the
unit detects metal, which is not discriminated.
Each time you use the detector in a dif ferent area, you must
adjust DISCRIMINATION. Each search location present s new
About false signals
Because your detector i s extremely sensitive, trash-induced signals
and other sources of in terference might cause signals that seem
confusing. The key to handling these types of signals is to dig for only
those targets that generate a strong, repeatable signal. As you sweep
the search coil back and forth over the ground, learn to recognize the
difference between signals that occur at random and signals that are
stable and repeatable.
The factors may affect detection
No detector is 100 per cent accurate. Various conditions influenc e
metal detection. The det ector’s reaction depends on a numb er of