DataBand E V User Manual
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
A packet sent from one source to many destinations. Used for delivering a separate, reliable and prioritisable
clock source by Patapsco devices.
A device which takes input signals from many separate devices and places them onto a single output line,
allowing multiple single users to share one large, centralised resource. See also De-multiplexer.
See Multiplexer.
N ailed
‘Always on’. A way of describing a TDM connection where timeslots are always active between a source and
destination, as opposed to a dynamic ISDN connection, where timeslots (b-channels) are connected and
disconnected as required.
Network Address Translation. A method of changing the destination IP address of IP packets. Used in routed
network environments to access private (hidden) IP device addresses from public IP networks.
N ode
In terms of DbManager, an icon representing a single Patapsco device.
Network Terminal. The interface type of a synchronous network connection. Devices which connect to the
network must do so using TE interfaces (see TE).
N udge
In terms of the Jitter Buffer – adding (extend) or deleting (reduce) a packet into/from the Jitter Buffer in order
to centre the fill-point within the buffer.
Ov erlap
When telephony calls are made by dialing single digits one after the other (as opposed to En-bloc, where all
of the numbers are dialed at the same time).
P acket Switched
N etwork
An Ethernet based network. PSN’s may support many different Ethernet-based packet protocols built on top
of Ethernet standards.
P ackets
A formatted capsule containing user data, headers and protocol descriptors. Used for IP/Ethernet
Plesiochronous/Plesiosynchronous Digital Hierarchy. A method of connecting together two synchronous
networks which use a different clock source to each other. Clocks are passed bi-directionally across the
system. This method of clocking requires the devices used to be compatible with PDH operation.
Potential Delay Variation. The difference in transmit and receive delay (latency) which packets have when
sent over a Packet Switched Network. This is usually caused by poor quality, heavily loaded networks.
Patapsco products use a configurable Jitter Buffer to counteract the effects of PDV.
P ermanent Link
An advanced setting used on ISDN BRI ports to keep layer 1 and 2 running at all times.
P hantom P ower
Liberator S can provide Phantom Power on its ISDN BRI ports to power ISDN devices which do not have their
own power sources. Power Feed runs at -40VDC.
P ing
An ICMP packet which is sent to a device to check its presence on a network. The device which receives the
Ping will reply, and the reply will be timestamped so that the latency between the two devices can be
calculated. Sometimes a device may reply to a Ping on another device’s behalf, which can confuse
diagnostics taken simply using Ping messages.
P lesiochronous/
P lesiosynchronou
See PDH.
P ort
An interface for connection to another device. In terms of UDP packets, a port number is the virtual port
which a packet will use when it arrives at its destination. Port numbers are assigned so that virtual ports can
be opened and closed on firewalls.
Plain Old Telephone Service. The public telephone network. Connections are analogue, and therefore not
supported by Patapsco equipment.
P ower F eed
The same as Phantom Power.