© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
DataBand EV User Manual V1.3
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Printed: March 2012 in UK
Patapsco has recently been acquired by Communications Systems, Inc. (CSI) and is now a part of Transition Networks, Inc., a
subsidiary of CSI. The high-quality, reliable Transition Networks’ brand of products is now combined with the world class
portfolio of telecommunications and data communications products from Patapsco Communications.
You can be assured that the same quality and support from both organizations will continue. Please contact either Transition
Networks or Patapsco Communications for sales, support and product information.
Patapsco Communications
The Passfield Oak, Passfield, Near Liphook,
Tel: +44 (0) 1428 752900
Fax: +44 (0) 1428 752901
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: www.patapsco.co.uk
Transition Networks
10900 Red Circle Drive
MN 55343 USA
Tel: 952- 941-7600 or 1-800-526-9267
Fax: 952-941-2322
Email: [email protected]
Web Site: www.transition.com