DataBand E V User Manual
© 2012 Patapsco Designs Ltd
8. Appendix
This section contains some extra information on DataBand EV features.
8.1. Boot Up Procedure
DataBand EV goes through a series of system checks when booting up. It is possible to monitor these checks to confirm that each
component is initialized correctly. Patapsco engineers may require this information when fault-finding a system. The boot up log can
only be seen when a Connect to Dev ice window is open, and the connection must be monitored using the Terminal port rather
than a LAN port.
D bMan ager m u st be i n t h i s st at e i n order t o see t h e boot l og
The boot log shows the individual parts of the DataBand EV system initializing. A description of each device initializing follows.
8.2. Glossary
µ- Law
The companding algorithm used for voice communications used mostly in North America and Japan
An Ethernet standard that transmits at 1000 Mbps
An Ethernet standard that transmits at 100 Mbps