The system setup consists of three setup areas: Configure Service, and Rate Table.
The Configure Menu is used to configure the Origination ZIP code, F1 Key and Beeper.
Origination ZIP code
- In order to calculate the proper rate, the scale needs to know the ZIP code
from which the item will be mailed or shipped; this is the origination ZIP code and it was pro-
grammed when you first received the scale, however it can be changed here if needed
F1 key
- The F1 key can contain up to five (5) functions which will appear on the soft key menu;
program the four functions you would like to use here; out of the box four functions already ap-
pear: Piece Counting (Counting), Manual Weight Entry (Man Wt), Hold Model (Hold) and Change
ZIP/Country (Zip/Cntry)
– The audible beeper is very useful for sale operation; however you can disable it here
How to use change the Origination ZIP Code
1. At any time, press the Setup key
Press the Configure soft key
Press the Org ZIP soft key
Scale displays the current origination ZIP code and prompts you to enter in the new
Key-in the new origination ZIP code
Scale reverts back to Configure screen; press the CLR key to return to normal operat-
ing mode
How to use configure the F1 key
1. At any time, press the Setup key
Press the Configure soft key
Press the F1 soft key
Scale displays the available functions along with the status, i.e. ON or OFF. For ex-
ample, Pcs – ON means that Piece Counting is turned ON.
Press the soft key next to the function you wish to turn ON or turn OFF
The status of the function changes from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON
5. You must press either the ENT key or the CLR key to save your changes; if you switch
the scale OFF, all changes will be lost
Scale reverts back to Configure screen; press the CLR key to return to normal operat-
ing mode