This function was designed for items weighing more than 70 pounds
. An optional 150 pound scale is
Important! Before you can use Remote Scale Mode, you must first configure the F1 key; please see
the SETUP OPERATION section for more information.
How to use Remote Scale Mode
1. Remove all items from the scale
2. Press the F1 key
Press the Remote soft key
Scale briefly displays “Switch to Remote”
4. Press the CLR key to return to rating mode and continue rating as required
5. Repeat this procedure to return back to the local scale
Scale briefly displays “Switch to Local”
This function was designed to allow you to change the destination ZIP code or country without first re-
moving the item from the scale
How to use Change ZIP/Country
1. At any time, press the F1 key
Press the Zip/Cntry soft key
If you have selected a domestic class of mail, the scale prompts for the new destina-
tion ZIP code
If you have selected an international class of mail, the scale prompts for the new des-
tination country code
Key-in the new ZIP code or country code
Scale displays the rate based on the new destination information