Tracer UC210 Controller Points and Parameters
Location of Reheat:
Choices are Local and Remote. If Both is selected for Valve Control Type,
this is used to select the location of the 2-Position valve.There is an additional binary value point
to select whether local or remote reheat has priority. By selecting Local the VAV unit will use
local reheat before remote reheat. If Remote is selected it does the opposite in that the VAV unit
will use remote heat before local heat.
Heat Control Type (Electric):
Choices are Pulse Width Modulation, Staged, and SCR. Chose the
correct electric heat type.
Number of Reheat Stages (PWM or Staged):
Choose the correct number of reheat stages (1-3)
Sensor Options
If a UC210 has a wireless zone sensor and is a member of Tracer SC wireless link, you can install
this feature to configure the unit controller so it will communicate the wireless zone sensor battery
level to the Tracer SC once it is installed on the Tracer SC. An alarm will be activated in response
to a predefined “replace batteries” state of the point.