Tracer UC210 Controller Points and Parameters
Controller Status Screen
The Tracer UC210 controller has up to three (3) TGP2 programs downloaded and defined in the
factory as part of the factory commissioning process. The three programs are a base program for
damper control, fan, and reheat control. When looking at programming section of Controller Status
tab, operation of these programs can be monitored.
Equipment Utility
Use the Equipment Utility to set and change a number of equipment setpoints and setup
parameters on the Equipment Utility screens.
Setpoints Screen
Default Setpoints
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint:
Setpoints have a range from 40.0°F to 115.0°F (4.44°C to 46.11°C).
This cooling setpoint is used when the UCM is unoccupied. The unoccupied cooling setpoint
must be greater than or equal to the unoccupied heating setpoint plus 2.0°F (1.1°C).
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
Setpoints have a range from 40.0°F to 115.0°F (4.44°C to
46.11°C). This heating setpoint is used when the UCM is unoccupied. The unoccupied cooling
setpoint must be greater than or equal to the unoccupied heating setpoint plus 2.0°F 1.1°C).
Occupied Offset:
Setpoints have a range from 0.9°F to 45°F (-17.27°C to 7.22°C). If a zone sensor
thumbwheel setpoint is not being used, this setpoint are added and subtracted from the Space
Temperature Setpoint Default to determine the occupied heating and cooling setpoints.
Standby Offset:
Setpoints have a range from 0.9°F to 45°F (-17.27°C to 7.22°C). If a zone sensor
thumbwheel setpoint is not being used, this setpoint are added and subtracted from the Space
Temperature Setpoint Default to determine the standby heating and cooling setpoints.
Space Temperature Setpoint Default:
Setpoints have a range from 40.0°F to 115.0°F (4.44°C to
46.11°C). If a zone sensor thumbwheel setpoint is not being used, this setpoint is used as the
active cooling setpoint of the UCM during occupied times. The cooling setpoint must be greater
than or equal to the heating setpoint plus 2.0°F (1.1°C).
Setpoint Limits
Each point has its own min/max, therefore, the following setpoint limits are incorporated in the
occupied setpoint point, standby setpoint point, and unoccupied heat/cool setpoints. After the
controller completes all setpoint calculations, the calculated occupied setpoint is validated against
these configured space setpoint limits:
Heating Setpoint High Limit
Heating Setpoint Low Limit
Cooling Setpoint High Limit
Cooling Setpoint Low Limit
These setpoint limits apply only to the occupied and occupied standby, heating and cooling
setpoints. They do not apply to the unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints. When the controller
is in the unoccupied mode, it always uses the unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints. Unit
configuration enables or disables the local (hard-wired) setpoint. This parameter provides
additional flexibility to allow you to apply communicated, hard wired, or default setpoints without
making physical changes to the unit. Similar to hard-wired setpoints, the effective setpoint value
for a communicated setpoint is determined based on the stored default setpoints, configuration
values, and the controller occupancy mode.