Power Up Diagram
The Power up chart shows the respective Tracer Adap-
tiView screens during a power up of the main processor.
This process takes from 30 to 50 seconds depending
on the number of installed Options. On all power ups,
the software model always will transition through the
Stopped software state independent of the last mode. If
the last mode before power down was Auto, the transi-
tion from Stopped to Starting occurs, but it is not appar-
ent to the user.
Software Operation Overview Diagram
The Software Operation Overview is a diagram of
the five possible software states. This diagram can be
thought of as a State Chart, with the arrows, and arrow
text, depicting the transitions between states. The text
in the circles are the internal software designations for
each State. The first line of text in the Circles are the
visible top level operating modes that can be displayed
on Tracer AdaptiView. The shading of each software state
circle corresponds to the shading on the time lines that
show the state that the chiller is in.
Ice Machine Control
The control panel provides a service level Enable or Dis-
able menu entry for the Ice Building feature when the Ice
Building option is installed. Ice Building can be entered
from Front Panel, or if hardware is specified the control
panel will accept either an isolated contact closure 1A19
Terminals J2-1 and J2-2 (Ground)) or a remote communi-
cated input (BAS) to initiate the ice building mode where
the unit runs fully loaded at all times. Ice building will
be terminated either by opening the contact or based on
entering evaporator fluid temperature. The control panel
will not permit the Ice Building mode to be entered again
until the unit is switched to the non-ice building mode
and back into the ice building mode. It is not acceptable
to reset the chilled water setpoint low to achieve a fully
loaded compressor. When entering ice building, the com-
pressor will be loaded at its maximum rate and when
leaving ice building the compressor will be unloaded at
its maximum rate. While loading and unloading the com-
pressor, all surge detection will be ignored. While in the
ice building mode, current limit setpoints less than the
maximum will be ignored. Ice Building can be terminat-
ed by one of the following means:
Front panel disable.
Opening the external Ice. Contacts/ Remote commu-
nicated input (BAS).
Satisfying an evaporator entering fluid temperature
setpoint. (Default is 27°F)
Surging for 7 minutes at full open IGV.
Figure 33. Sequence of operation: ice making: running
to ice making
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT