Moisture Encounter Plus
User Guide
The presence of different species, treatments, adhesives, etc.,
within products such as plywood, particleboard, OSB (oriented
strand board), laminated and engineered woods will affect meas-
urements. If in doubt please contact us and, if you wish, we can
work with you in developing your own calibration for a specific
Your Moisture Encounter Plus is not calibrated for concrete.
The Tramex Concrete Encounter instrument is specifically
designed for concrete flooring and is recommended where
quantitative measurements are required. However a useful
indication of the moisture condition of a concrete or sub floor
can be obtained with the Moisture Encounter Plus set on the
wall/brick mode. Comparative readings can also be obtained
through coverings such as vinyl, carpet and laminated wood
flooring by using the drywall scale.
Notes on Specific Gravity (SG)
The SG of wood varies between species and this has an effect on
moisture meter readings. The Moisture Encounter Plus calibra-
tion is based on wood having an SG of 0.50. Wood is normally
categorised as follows: -
How to use the Wood SG Tables
When testing wood, which does not have an SG of 0.50, the
meter reading can be adjusted by referring to the tables shown on
pages 10 and 11. For example, if the wood being tested has an
SG of 0.70 and the meter reading is 17% (top row of table) then
the adjusted moisture content reading can be found where the
0.70 SG row intersects with 17% meter reading column. For this
example the adjusted moisture content would be 13%
SG at 12% MC
0.30 or less
0.30 to 0.45
0.45 to 0.65
0.65 to 0.90
0.90 or more
Exceptionally Light
Exceptionally Heavy