Moisture Encounter Plus
User Guide
‘Acceptably Dry’
Your Moisture Encounter Plus will give low readings when the
plaster or brick is acceptably dry. Due to the hygroscopic nature
of these materials, moisture values are affected by ambient
humidity and thus can vary according to climatic conditions. We
recommend you satisfy yourself as to what is ‘acceptably dry’ in
your area, and use the instrument to compare these with areas
that are unacceptable.
The Moisture Encounter Plus will not detect or measure
moisture through any electrically conductive materials including
metal sheeting or cladding, black EPDM roofing, butyl roofing,
aluminum siding or wet surfaces.
Tramex warrants that this instrument will be free from defects
and faulty workmanship for a period of one year from date of
first purchase.
If a fault develops during the warranty period, Tramex, at its
option, will either repair the defective product without charge for
the parts and labour, or will provide a replacement in exchange
for the defective product returned to Tramex Ltd.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage
caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance
and care.
In no event shall Tramex, its agents or distributors be liable to the
customer for any special, indirect, or consequential loss or dam-
age of any type whatsoever (including, without limitation, loss of
business, revenue, profits, data, savings or goodwill), whether
occasioned by the act, breach, omission, default, or negligence of
Tramex Ltd., whether or not foreseeable, arising howsoever out
of or in connection with the sale of this product including arising
out of breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation or arising from
statute or indemnity.
Without prejudice to the above, all other warranties, representa-
tions and conditions whether made orally or implied by circum-
stances, custom, contract, equity, statute or common law are
hereby excluded, including all terms implied by Section 13, 14
and 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1893.