MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide
Page 11
The Communications Setup Screen
The communications setup screen allows you to change the MIU-1500's
IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. Enter these parameters as
necessary and click "Submit." The new parameters are sent to the MIU-
1500 and an intermediate screen displays.
If the IP address is changed successfully, the browser will redirect itself to
the new IP address and there will be a message on the screen saying,
"Submission accepted! Parameters updated."
If the change of IP address was not successful, you will see a browser
error page telling you that the file cannot be found.
If you check the box that says, "Revert back to previous settings if no
connection in 5 minutes" then the program will try to update the
Manager's IP address. If it cannot make a connection within 5 minutes
thereafter, it will reset the IP address to the previous settings.
Set Count Manager’s Clock
You will need to make sure the Manager's clock is set correctly so that it can display the counts and totals
correctly. Choose "Set Clock" from the Setup menu, enter the correct values, and click "Submit" to set the
MIU-1500's clock.
If you set the clock back more than 30 minutes the Manager will require you to reset the counts before updating
the clock. If you set the clock ahead more than 30 minutes the Manager will pad the log with zeroes (0) for the
counts for those times.