Portable HM1000
Instruction Manual v 5.0
The instrument also consists of:
– the stirrer is crucial to the operation of the instrument so it needs to be
checked to ensure it is working properly. It has been designed to minimise turbulence thus
ensuring increased repeatability. During a run, look through the translucent beaker or
lightly touch the bottom of the SAB to determine that the stirrer is rotating when
indicated on the handset. If the stirrer fails to rotate, turn the sonde head upside down,
add a few drops of the
Stirrer Oil (do not use any other oil)
down the stirrer shaft at
the base near the sonde head (near where it enters the sonde) and rotate gently to
ensure the lubricant coats the bottom of the shaft.
Sample Analysis Beaker (SAB)
– the SAB has a fixed volume, so that when full
and removed from the water course, excess sample water will empty out of the
holes, levelling off at a constant volume.
– the instrument is waterproof and robust. A periodic visual inspection
to ensure it is not damaged and that the screen is readable will suffice.
– the buffers should be stored in a dark, cool, dry environment. If stored
correctly, the powder buffers have a shelf life of 3 years, liquid buffers have a shelf life
of one year. Refer to individual buffers for expiry dates.
- The standards should be stored in a dark, cool place and have a
shelf life of 12 months. Refer to standards for expiry dates. Should any
contaminant come into contact with the standards, they should be discarded.
Plating Solutions
– The plating solutions should be stored in a dark, cool place
and have a shelf life of one year. Refer to solutions for expiry dates. Should the
efficacy of the plating solution deteriorate before this during use, they should be
discarded and replaced.