3GPP Surveillance Camera
Record Path
Select and view the location for saving the recorded video and snapshot pictures.
To change the saving path for the recorded video clips or snapshots, check the drive you want, click the
cell of “Video Path” or “Picture Path” twice, and select a new path for saving the video clips or snapshots.
5.4 Server Setting
Click “
” (Miscellaneous Control)
” (Server Setting) to go into the “Server Setting” page, and
you can view, set or modify all the network camera setting. All the changes you make here will be applied
to the connected network camera.
You need to be a supervisor to operate this function. For details, please see “Account” on Page 25.
5.4.1 General
Click “
” (Miscellaneous Control)
” (Server Setting)
“General” to go into the “General”
page. In “General” page, you will see the following items: