AVALON_Navi_U (L/O 0205)
2003 AVALON NAVI (OM41403U)
Map database is made based on the
maps, 2001 edition of DENSO, whose
information source comes from NavTech
maps and GDT maps.
2000 Navigation Technologies. All
rights reserved.
GDT, Geographic Data Technology,
This product contains proprietary and
confidential property of Geographic
Data Technology, Inc. Unauthorized use,
including duplication of this product is
expressly prohibited.
There are two types of areas available
for route guidance. (See the following
pages.) In one type of area, primarily
around metropolitan centers, detailed
route guidance is available for the en-
tire area. In the other type of area, all
roads are displayed on the map but
route guidance is limited. The naviga-
tion route might lack precision because
the data (no right turns, one−way traf-
fic, etc.) is not completed. It is still
possible to reach the destination by fol-
lowing the arrow direction and distance
as shown on the bottom left of the
screen. The arrow points in the direc-
tion of the destination. The distance
shown is as measured in a straight line
from the current vehicle position to the
destination area.
In order to provide you with accurate map
information as much as possible, we are
always gathering information such as road
repairs and doing site investigation. How-
ever, the names of roads, streets, facili-
ties, and their locations are often
changed. In some places, construction on
roads may be in progress. For that rea-
son, information on some areas in this
system might be different from the actual
Map database information and