In order to use TOYO
s product safely and correctly, please make sure to read
through with correct understanding of the content of the entire manual and the
general safety precaution before using or installation of the actuator.
The main purpose of this manual is to prevent personal injury or damage of
the actuator and equipment, please follow the instructions listed and take notes
on all of the warning and caution.
1-1 Symbol used within the chapter
Fail to follow the WARNING instruction may cause severe injury and
serious threat endangering the life to the personals around the
Fail to follow the DANGER instruction will cause severe injury and
serious threat endangering the life to the personals around the
Fail to follow the WARNING instruction may cause severe injury to the
personals around the actuator and the damage to the actuator or
It is not possible to list all of the safety measures while
operating/installing around the robot. Apart from following the safety
instruction, please go through the entire manual to build a full knowledge of the
safety rules in order to make correct judgments when around the robot.
1.General Safety Precaution