Vent System
Town &
Country Code
Before installing vertical venting (roof termnation) for this unit, the installer should read these
instructions to insure that the proper vent configuration has been selected.
Use only Town and Country Termination kit:
TCVT.RTA - Roof Termination Kit
Vent system components approved for use with the Town and Country Fireplace are shown
in Fig 31.
It is recommended that
the High Capacity Power
Vent Terminal be painted
with hi-temp paint. See
manual for details.
A vertically vented TC54
cannot be power-vented.
12" Pipe Length ......................................TCVT.811X12
18" Pipe Length ......................................TCVT.811X18
24" Pipe Length ......................................TCVT.811X24
48" Pipe Length ......................................TCVT.811X48
12" Adjustable Pipe Length .....................TCVT.811X12ADJ
45° Elbow ...............................................TCVT.811XLB45
Wall/Offset Support ................................TCVT.811XOS
*A minimum of 1 support every 4’ must be used.*
Roof Termination Kit ...............................TCVT.RTA
Wall Shield / Ceiling Firestop ..................TCVT.THIMA
Roof Flashing, Adjustable .......................TCVT.811FLADJ
Roof Flashing, Flat .................................TCVT.811FLFLT
Roof Flashing, Steep ..............................TCVT.811FLSTP
...............................................................or any that fits 11" pipe
This unit can be vented horizontally (wall termination) ONLY with an approved High
Capacity Power Vent Kit (TCVT.PVAX2) using TC 8x11 Vent Pipe. Please use the in-
structions provided with the optional High Capacity Power Vent Kit when planning
any installation where a horizontal termination is required.
Fig. #31
TC54_D 030615-40
Horizontal Termination Venting (Power Vented)
Vertical Termination Venting