4. Remove the elevators. Add epoxy into the holes in the
elevators for the joiner wires. Rejoin the elevators to the stab
and joiner wire and wipe away excess epoxy.
5. Use a thin applicator tip to apply 6 drops of thin CA
to the top and bottom of each hinge waiting a few seconds
between drops for the hinges to absorb the CA. Excess CA
that doesn’t wick into the hinges can be absorbed with the
edge of a small paper towel square.
6. Test fi t the tail gear. Same as was done with the elevator,
tack-glue the hinges into the rudder, then test-fi t the rudder
to the fi n. Make any adjustments necessary for a good fi t,
then remove the rudder and tail gear.
7. Using care not to get any epoxy into the hinge points
around the tail gear wire, insert the hinges into the fuselage
with 30-minute epoxy. Add epoxy into the hole in the rudder
for the “arm” part of the tail gear wire, then fi t the rudder to
the assembly.
8. Permanently attach the rudder to the fi n and fusealge
by gluing the hinges with thin CA.
9. After the CA on all the hinges has hardened, pull hard
on all the control surfaces to make sure they are secure and
all the hinges are thoroughly glued into place.