14. Mount the engine mount to the fi rewall with four M4
x 20 SHCS and M4 washers and threadlocker. (For the O.S.
.72, the engine mounts had to be temporarily removed from
the engine to insert two of the SHCS in the mount.)
Install the Fuel Tank
1. Remove the stopper from the fuel tank and shake out
the aluminum tubes and the silicone fuel line.
2. Assemble the stopper assembly with the pickup line as
shown—the aluminum tubes can easily be cut to length by
rolling them on your workbench under a hobby knife blade.
Insert the
aluminum tube through the stopper
and attach another pickup line and clunk (not included) for
a fueling/defueling line so you won’t have to detach the fuel
line from the engine to fuel and as you will with a single-line.
3. Insert the stopper into the tank with the vent line at the
top of the tank. Write
on top of the tank (or just insert
the stopper with the vent at the side of the tank with the
molded-in logo and capacity).
4. Cut a 2" x 5-1/2" [50 x 140mm] sheet of ¼" [6.4mm] RC
foam rubber. Make two
fuel tank straps
from 8" [200mm]
strips of Velcro overlapping 5" [130mm]. Fasten the fuel tank
to the fuel tank tray and connect approximately 8" of fuel
line to each line coming out of the tank.