Step 2: Program CTX for the Console
Strata CTX Attendant Console Installation 03/03
Step 2B: Make Station Assignments on CTX
1. Enter Program 200, specify the Prime DN for this particular Attendant Console. The number
entered here is the DN used to reach this specific console. Do not use 0 as the Prime DN. Dial 0
is set in
“Create Dial 0 Destination” on page 8
. Do not assign the Attendant Console PDN to
another DKT or station.
2. Enter data for the FBs listed below:
FB01 – Specifies the equipment number (shelf/slot/port) required for assigning a new DN
to the system. Set the CTX Attendant Console DN to the PDKU or BDKU port (required).
FB02 – Press
to assign the DKT Station type (required).
FB03 – Press
to assign Extension (not Voice Mail) attributes to analog ports (required).
FB04 – Toshiba recommends entering COS 10 at the following three prompts:
”, “COS DAY2=
” and “COS Night=
” (preferred).
FB11 – Press
(Dial Tone) to assign Dial Tone as the type of tone heard after LCR access
codes are dialed (required).
Enter CTX Station DN
Set to 10 unless you
assigned another COS
for the Attendant.
Required. Set other FBs
according to site preferences.