Learning the Basics
Powering down the computer
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online Help or your operating system documentation for
information on restoring files.
TECHNICAL NOTE: When restoring files, the backup program
prompts you if you try to overwrite a file that already exists on
the hard disk. Make sure the backup version is the one you
want before overwriting the existing file.
Powering down the computer
Pushing the power button before shutting down the Windows
operating system could cause you to lose your work. Make
sure the system indicator panel’s disk light and the drive-in
use light are off. If you turn off the power while a disk is being
accessed, you may lose data or damage the disk and/or drive.
When you power down the computer, you have three options
to choose from: Turn Off (or Shut Down) Computer, Standby,
and Hibernation.
TECHNICAL NOTE: Before using any of these options to power
down your computer, save your files and make sure the disk
activity lights are off.
If you change your mind and decide to continue working after
all, wait a few seconds before turning the computer on again.