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Up to 16 units can be controlled as a group by one remote controller.
Align the phase sequence of the power supply to all outdoor units.
Connect the terminals A, B, C on both the remote controller and the indoor unit of No. 1 unit.
Connect terminals B, C on both indoor units of No. 1 and No. 2 unit. Then connect in the same way No. 2 and No. 3,
No. 3 and No. 4 .... up to No. 16 unit.
Remove the CN12-connector on the indoor PC board of No. 2 unit and up to No. 16 unit to prevent malfunction.
Set each unit No. rotary switch on the indoor PC board. The unit connected to the remote controller should be set as No.
1 unit. Then set No. 2 and up to No. 16 so that start time of each unit is respectively delayed to prevent simultaneous
starting current.
Rotary switch
Indoor unit
No. 1
Indoor unit
No. 2
Indoor unit
No. 3
Indoor unit
No. 16
Remote controller
Make sure of correspondence of terminal marks.
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